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20 Drupal SEO modules

Free Drupal SEO modules. Install and configure these following modules and make your free Drupal SEO modules. Install and configure these following modules and make your Drupal website SEO friendly. You cannot make your Website on top ranking in single day. You have to do some SEO regular activities to make your Website on top of the Search Engine Page.

  1. Page Title: Drupal page title control.
  2. Meta tag: Full control of metadata. meta tags on your site, nodes, categories, views, etc.
  3. Content Optimizer: This module helps to increase your site’s SEO rankings by improving on-page optimization factors.
  4. Custom Breadcrumbs: Entire node type breadcrumb trail.
  5. Global Redirect: Fixes some of the more common URL problems.
  6. HTML Purifier: Standards-compliant HTML filter library.
  7. Link Checker: Broken links checker.
  8. Menu Attributes: Additional menu attributes items such as id, name, class, style, and rel.
  9. Mollom: Spam protection.
  10. Pathauto: Automatically generates URL/path aliases based on page title.
  11. Path Redirect: Direct one URL to another, Internal or external.
  12. Read More Link: SEO-friendly read more links.
  13. SEO Check-list: Check your website for proper search engine optimization.
  14. SEO Compliance Checker: Checks node content on search engine optimization upon its creation or modification. 
  15. Scheduler: Published and unpublished nodes on specified dates.
  16. Taxonomy Title: Update taxonomy term page heading tag.
  17. URL List: Creates a list of node URLs.
  18. Site Map: Creates a plain sitemap.
  19. XML Sitemap: Creates search engine readable, dynamic sitemap.
  20. Google Analytics: Website visitor tracking.