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Drupal 8

Drupal 8 End of Life - Releases on Zymphonies project will be marked unsupported for Drupal 8's end of life

Zymphonies has contributed so many projects to drupal.org and we keep continuing with the latest versions. The Drupal core version 8 series has reached end-of-life. This means that all releases of Drupal 8 core and Drupal contributed project releases that are compatible with only Drupal 8 will be marked unsupported as they no longer have security team support.

Drupal 8.0.0 was first released on Nov-9, 2015. The last version was released on Nov-17, 2021.

Clear or rebuild Drupal's cache

Make your Drupal websites faster using the Drupal cache. Enabling cache helps you to avoid slow down websites with a lot of traffic. Clearing the caches or rebuild caches after making any changes in the development. Change can be installing module/theme/library or modifying existing module/theme/library. Always it is good practice to clear or rebuild caches when you export the database.

There are many ways to clear the Drupal cache.

How to install Git

Git is a free and open source version control system. Git is the most widely used modern version control system in the world. Git has the functionality, performance, security and flexibility. Most of the OS(operating system) has built-in terminal/command prompt.

1 Download Git

Download the latest Git for Windows installer(https://git-for-windows.github.io/).

How to create slider/banner in Zymphonies Drupal 8 themes

We have used Nivo-slider module in most of the Drupal 7 Zymphonies Theme. Now, we are using Bootstrap Slider in all Drupal 8 Zymphonies Themes,

Not required to install any additional module to make Slider in Drupal 8 Zymphonies Themes.

Zymphonies Drupal 8 Themes has 'Slideshow' region to place the Bootstrap Slider.

Drupal 8 installation

This Blog focuses on basic core Drupal 8 installation. There are many Drupal installation guide in drupal.org. You can make quick Drupal installation using this tutorial.

Before proceeding Drupal 8 installation, You should review the minimum below system requirements

Drupal 8 minimum system requirements:

Web server:

Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS


Drupal 8 mobile initiative

Drupal 8 mobile-first approach that would allow to make great, relevant content to all devices such us smart phone, tablet and desktop etc. Drupal 8 helps to create an elegant and responsive mobile website with great SEO, larger potential audience. Drupal 8 has few default responsive theme, Bartik theme is fully responsive, so you can get responsive theme with Drupal 8 core.

Drupal modules install and uninstall

You can extend or alter Drupal behavior using Drupal contributed modules. Drupal has many default useful modules like blog, contact etc. You just need to enable default module from Drupal Administration -> Modules page(admin/modules). There are many contributed modules available in drupal.org, You can download contributed modules from drupal.org and use for your Drupal website.

How to install/enable Drupal module?

Just for example, Explain you how to Install Pathauto module.

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